TechBase DGO

Data Science @ Regensburg: Life in a Research-driven Tech Scaleup


Online, 18:00 bis 19:30 Uhr, Applied Research for Product Development

On July 15, the next meetup will take place with Signal AI's Principal Data Scientist - Dyaa Albakour. Dyaa will give some insight into what it is like to work in a tech company that has grown from 3 to over 150 employees within a few years and which has a research-driven philosophy as one of its founding principles.

This talk should be of interest to a very broad audience as Dyaa has been exposed to academia as well as industry and in case you are currently a student and don't know yet what to do once you graduate - well, Dyaa is your man as he had faced that same situation and explored both sides. The rest is history ...

Come along and join Udo, David & Bernds (online)!



Dyaa Albakour (Signal AI - London


Life in a Research-driven Tech Scaleup - Applied Research for Product Development


Conducting research in a product development environment comes with unique challenges. Firstly, product development is a fast moving environment, which requires a lean approach to ensure incremental improvements. Secondly, it requires effective collaboration with teams and individuals of diverse skill sets. Also, among the challenges, is the gap between theoretical quality metrics, such as precision and recall, and the impact on business metrics or the user satisfaction. Finally, deploying a new solution, for example a new ranking algorithm, into a production system comes with operational complexities such as cost and latency.

In this talk, Dyaa will highlight the learnings from his experience at Signal AI ( in applying Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing to build a large-scale media monitoring platform. Processing millions of news articles a day, the platform is used by thousands of professionals globally for reputation management and market intelligence. Dyaa will give practical examples on how they tackle the above challenges with a pragmatic and experimental-driven approach.


Dyaa Albakour is a Principal Data Scientist at Signal AI, London.
His role in Signal involves working across multiple cross-functional teams to amplify the impact of data science in Signal AI's products.
Prior to Signal AI, he was a post-doctoral researcher in the Information Retrieval research group at the University of Glasgow, after obtaining a PhD degree in 2012 from the University of Essex.

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